Our Silent Retreat course in the late Summer of 2020 will be held on….17-20 September  

Starts Thursday September 17th after lunch and runs through the weekend ending Sunday 20th when we will enjoy a non Silent afternoon tea/coffee

The Silent Retreat  course will be facilitated by Blue Marsden who has designed the course in such a way that participants get maximum benefit on all levels.

Every morning will start gently with a class of  yoga run by Yogamaya Doe Wails, Yogini Liane Ferreira or another guest yoga teacher.

The day unfolds at a relaxed pace with further classes of either Chi Kung, Meditation, Energy Transformation or Contemplation facilitated by Blue and his Chi Teaching Diploma assistants. The Yoga prepares the body to open to the Chi Kung and energy enhancing practises to follow, which in turn prepare us for Meditation.

A large portion of the afternoon is then left for private free time (in Silence) with beautiful walks in the grounds, enjoying the serenity of quiet corners and the beautiful and peaceful chapel and of course time for deep rest and recharging. Essentially the practises of the early part of the day prepare us for time with ourselves and reconnecting to our essence.

Breakfast is served between 8:00am and 9:00, Lunch is usually 12:30pm to 1:30 and Supper between 6:00pm and 7:00 with all meals taken in Silence served by staff who are well used to Silent guests and will respect your inner journey.

The all inclusive cost is £775 to include teaching/facilitation as well as 4 days all food and 3 nights private room with a substantial discount if you are currently or have previously taken a retreat, workshop or any other course with us (HHC) before (contact Sharron Mc Murray if you are a current or past student eligible for the discount).  This all inclusive fee which is designed to make the 4 day course widely accessible includes a private room, as well as all meals and refreshments for the 4 days.